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Keeping my family together has aways been a concern. Every time we get to intersections, we have to stop and make sure everyone is there. Now we get a notification if anyone takes a wrong turn.
- Pat D. Sudbury
Simple Communication
Instantly notify your entire group if you need to stop, or if you're falling behind with a touch of a button.
Keep Together
Get automatic notifications when anyone in your group is more than 1Km behind the next closest rider.
Collision Warnings
If other HEDS UP users are approaching and they're not part of your group, we'll let you know before you even see them!
Built By Snowmobilers
We've been snowmobiling as a family for years, and as much as we love the sport, we aren't blind to the dangers that come with it. We've all been in a position where you need to fix your gear or clean your visor, but don't want the group to continue without you. With HEDS UP, you can be in quick communication with your group with the click of a button. Get alerted of the presence of other HEDS UP users, allowing you time to react to oncoming drivers and prevent potential collisions. We developed HEDS UP to protect our family, and we know it can do the same for you. Improve your family's confidence and safety on the trails, by getting a HEDS UP!
Get $100 OFF with our pre-sale pricing!
We are working very hard to get a HEDS UP to you as soon as possible! Our current expected delivery date is November 2024.